MySpace validates musical taste?
May 16th, 2006
Many years ago I had a Bloodbowl team and I named the players after various independent bands. People were lining up to play my team and marvelled at the players’ names. Two of the players were Turbonegro and The Meat Purveyor. Turns out that The Meat Purveyors are friends at least in the MySpace sense with Turbonegro. Or perhaps it is all a big joke, since they never managed to link to the real Turbonegro MySpace page. I know the difference because their record label invited me to link to them.
The Meat Purveyors
So I like the Meat Purveyors and they have a new album coming out called “Someday Soon Things Will Be Much Worse!” I still don’t think it will surpass “All relationships are doomed to fail” but I’ll check it out after I get a job and have an income again.
In 2022 the Meat Purveyors are definitely not together, Bloodshot Records is not the same, and Turbonegro is not the same band minus their charismatic frontman. Of the two bands Turbonegro is by far the most famous, they have many many YouTube videos whereas the Meat Purveyors have almost none but they are in my 1000 plays club, I think I was one of their biggest fans even seeing them in Seattle.
I actually saw Turbonegro multiple times now live music is not the same.
Just because I’ve blogged about MySpace again, doesn’t mean it still doesn’t piss me off. Some of the worst designed webpages it has ever been my misfortune to wait while they load are on MySpace. Generally I don’t wait for them to load. The Meat Purveyors MySpace page is also giving me grief. I have yet to be able to add them as a friend, it always times out.
Bad Web Design
Another complaint I have is all the audio and worse still video people try to load automatically. Usually I don’t want my computer to suddenly play music and I definitely don’t want to wait for some stupid video to download. The entire world is not on broadband. The crap I usually have to wait for, in addition to bloated fugly web design, is crap people paste in the comment field.
Difficulty in Scaling
Perhaps MySpace’s rapid expansion has finally caught up to them and their system just won’t scale so well anymore. It seems to be running particularly crapily right now, but it could be on my end. But if it is on my end why can I blog just fine?
My CD Collection
The point of all this, my CD collection, containing a lot of artists that don’t get played on the radio, fits right into MySpace. At least on the portion of MySpace inhabited by musicians. Of course a lot of the music I listen to is by people who are dead or bands that are no more, but that is another blog posting.
Who uses MySpace anymore?
MySpace was overcome by Facebook but now messaging may replace the walled gardens of online social networks as people do not want everything they post online to be visible, searchable, and permanent. On the other hand some people will probably still tell you to blog your way to a better career, but as someone who has spent too much time unemployed I do not recommend it, nor do I recommend excessive usage of online social networks as not everyone who says so is your friend.
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This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Technology and tagged: MySpace, The Meat Purveyors, Turbonegro.
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