Muschamp Rd

Posts about Klout

Klout and Personal Branding Online

Monday, November 14th, 2016

During my never ending job search I sometimes get questions or comments about something on my website, sometimes the comments are positive, sometimes less so. In fact I think people who don’t value honesty and integrity probably never interview me at all. That said a lot of effort has gone into this website over the last ten or fifteen years. The ROI has not been enough…

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Writing for GoogleJuice VS Klout

Saturday, January 21st, 2012

Much digital ink gets spilled writing about Google’s ever changing search engine algorithm, but lately some folks have been starting to consider how they can increase something other than their GoogleJuice. Klout fancy themselves “The Standard of Influence”. Just like Google they have an algorithm that measures, ranks, and assigns a numerical score. Unlike PageRank which measures a webpage’s importance, Klout’s score measures a person’s influence online…

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BlogLevel VS Klout VS Technorati

Friday, July 15th, 2011

So sometime in the last 24 hours a Tweet appeared on my phone from one of Vancouver’s more famous writers talking about a tool released by Edelman…

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Impact VS Influence, Another Dichotomy

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

I decided to write another blog posting elaborating on one of my all encompassing theories from yesterday’s post. The theory in question I dubbed “Concentric Circles of Coolness” and it was developed late one night in Nuremberg Germany while listening to Townes Van Zandt…

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Monday, May 9th, 2011

I’ve spent a lot of time working on my mashup codebase, more than I intended. I’m not a software developer anymore but I can fool people online if I can keep my distaste for PHP under control…

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