Exotic (for China) Beers
December 25th, 2005
I’ve had the good fortune to try a few different beers lately. I also paid a premium to do so. Not all were completely new to me, but they are definitely exotic to both Canadians and Chinese alike.
I had a Grolsch at the Drum and Bell pub with Emlyn and crew a few days back. This cost 50 RMB in 2005. Now it is 2024 and I’m not even sure that pub is still open. The website that wrote about it is gone.
We later went to the “No name bar” which indeed has no sign and doesn’t look like a bar much from the outside. It had a wood burning stove and “Pass the Peas: The Best of the JB’s” on the HiFi which I immediately enjoyed. I again splurged on an expensive import beer. This time Chimay from Belgium. This is a Trappist beer not readily available in Canada. They served it in a Duvel glass and didn’t know how to pour.
Right now I’m nursing an “Old Speckled Hen” which I’ve seen at My Shop many times but finally got around to trying. It might be the last new (to me) beer in Wu Dao Kou.
I so have to go to the Tree, which also must be gone in 2024 as their former web domain is currently for sale. I am not sure I ever went, whenever I suggested it to Danna she always says “Oh it’s so far away”.
As a firm believer that the Belgians make the best beer. I generally preferring German (bottom fermenting – lagers) over English (top fermenting – ales) beers. Chimay was my favourite of the bunch. Leffe Blond is perhaps my favourite beer but I would love to try Chimay again it is just so much harder to find.

Update February 2019
I am no longer living in China, but I lived there longer than most which makes my poor Mandarin all the more embarrassing. I did complete my MBA and pass all three CFA® exams however. In 2019 I overhauled this blog and since I once again became unemployed, I once again am trying to make it closer to optimal or at least professional. The performance in search engines leaves a lot to be desired thirteen years later, but I had bigger difficulties to overcome and not everything in your life should be blogged about.
If you have any questions about beer in China or living or traveling in China you can leave a question below. Or you can read the best of my posts about living, traveling, eating, drinking, studying and working in China.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Travel and tagged: Beer, Beijing, China.
I’m well aquainted with La Fin Du Monde. I started drinking it on September 11th. Their beer that originally gained popularity in Canada is Maudite. Before I left BC you could get more and more of Unibroue’s beers in the goverment run liquor stores. I even saw them for sale in a cafe once.
You owe it to yourself to try Corsendonk, if you ever see it. Plus, if you like blondes, I believe Delirium Tremens makes one. I’m not a huge fan of their beers but they’re very popular with others.
Also, while not truly Belgian, there are some bottle fermented ales from Unibroue in Canada I highly recommend: try La Fin Du Monde and Trois Pistoles if you ever seem them, too.