Muschamp Rd


Just because you can post anything, doesn’t mean you should. If this is your first visit to my blog, Yoast would want me to make some carefully chosen recommendations.

I started this blog in 2005 after hand coding a homepage for a decade. So I have some thoughts on how to make a blog better. In the over twenty years I’ve been building and maintaining websites I’ve encountered a lot of difficulties many of which you can avoid if you make some smart decisions and stay disciplined.

It took a lot of time, effort, discipline, and sacrifice but I managed to complete first an MBA then pass all three exams in the CFA® Program. As a result I’ve written more than a few posts on venture capital, financing, and entrepreneurship.

Over the years I’ve lived abroad four separate times. I lived in Nuremberg for a couple months during the era working on a German e-commerce website. I then taught English in Japan and China. This has resulted in a lot of posts about living, traveling, and working in China and elsewhere.

Exit 2023, Enter 2024

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Not only is this the first blog post of 2024, but it is the first blog post since I finally upgraded WordPress to version 6.4.2…

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Out with 2022, In with 2023

Sunday, January 1st, 2023

I just heard on Hockey Night in Canada that we are two hours away from the new year here in Calgary…

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First Post of 2022

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

It has taken a while, but my traditional year end blog post was delayed along with many many Westjet flights…

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Coronavirus Continues Kinda

Sunday, August 29th, 2021

Twenty twenty-one has continued, the virus is supposedly in a fourth wave but deaths are not evenly distributed, not in my city, not in my province, not on my continent and not throughout the world. A lot has happened in 2021 but I’ve not chosen to blog again until now…

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Exit 2020, Enter 2021

Friday, January 1st, 2021

Twenty Twenty will not go down as the worst year of my life, there is a lot of competition for that title, but for many, 2020 was a wake up to reality that their words and actions actually have consequences…

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Posts on Muskblog © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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