Muschamp Rd


The value of free advice is well known. None-the-less many bloggers freely give advice or are asked to provide free advice. Often bloggers have advice on blogging better. I also have advice on avoiding blogging difficulties.

As this blog was started while I was an MBA student I got asked for advice on doing an MBA degree or getting into an MBA program. Later, I also did the CFA® Program so I got asked to provide a lot of advice on that too ultimately passing all three CFA exams. Often I’ve just shared advice that was given to me or that I learned through a presentations or a book. Having lived and taught overseas I got asked for advice on that too.

Alas, there is not a lot of money to be made giving free advice. I’ve also encountered a lot of selfish and conniving people online (and off) so after twenty years of blogging I suggest you read the advice I and others freely provided but do not contact me asking for yet more free advice.

CFA® Level 3 Exam Post-mortem

Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

Just over thirty days ago I sat the CFA® Level 3 Exam. I’ve been applying to job openings ever since…

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Level 3 CFA® Resources

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

I’ve been studying for the Level 3 CFA® Exam since October 1st and I honestly wish I’d started even sooner. I read all the official books and did all the end of chapter problems. I made and reviewed many flashcards and during all this I did web searches and visited forums to double-check I was at least partially understanding the material. I collected the best resources below…

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How I passed the Level 2 CFA® Exam

Wednesday, July 26th, 2017

First of all for those who surfed on in looking for a Jedi Mind Trick to easily pass the CFA® Level 2 exam, this is not the blog post you’re looking for…

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Another CFA® Exam is Finished

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

And after approximately six hours of actual exam test writing, numerous hours of stress, one emergency surgery and having followed a nine month study plan, I fear I may have done better last year…

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CFA® Candidates Shouldn’t Panic

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017

In addition to maintaining the mighty Muskblog I also typed up all my personal CFA® flashcards on yet another WordPress blog. This gives me extra insight into what formulas, theories, and definitions CFA Candidates are frantically Googling…

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Posts on Muskblog © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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