Innovation in China
October 1st, 2006
This was a subject of much discussion particularly in my Managing Global Innovation class while an MBA student at Tsinghua. Today while catching up on my RSS feeds I learned of a discussion on Innovation in China over at the China Law blog. The discussion concerns a two part article on another site which discusses the current state of innovation in China and compares it to other countries such as South Korea, Israel, and Singapore. Alas in 2024 the original articles and even the original post on the China Law Blog which has now been rebranded or at least had all their URLs changed so that perhaps only my blog post remains.
As soon as I started reading it, I knew I should write my professor but I also decided to make a blog posting. My paper for Max’s class also wound up as a blog posting, it concerned Baidu, some people question if they are original. For instance at Baidu they hate to be called the Chinese Google. I mentioned this paper in my interview with TD Securities and the interviewer had never even heard of Baidu and she had lived and worked in Asia. I pointed out it traded on the NASDAQ and had a successful IPO, but she still had never heard of the company, so I told her it was the Chinese Google.
Also discussed in the articles was the fact that Chinese students cheat, particularly on their applications to foreign universities. This was used as an example of the problem trust poses in doing business in China. Cheating was a problem at both Tsinghua and Sauder while I was an MBA student and it is by no means limited to Chinese students, that said at Sauder many students complained about their Chinese classmates openly questioning how they could even get admitted to the school. As critical as some native English speakers were of the many Chinese classmates I had at Sauder, some of the Chinese were just as critical of their countrymen/woman.
Update: Apparently Innovation in China is still a topic people write about. I ended up writing extensively about China having lived there for over four years.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Technology and tagged: China, MBA, Tsinghua.
Someone should really hire me to pick stocks. Even depressed and basically paying very little attention to the market I still doubled my money again, this time in LVS. When I interviewed for BMO Capital Markets they asked me a stock I held, I told them LVS and that I was up 40 dollars or something in it. He’d never heard of it but he was an analyst for tech stocks.
I swear two of Canada’s largest banks/brokerages/investment houses and two times they hadn’t heard of the stock I mention, even though both stocks are widely covered, had made big news and big runs when I mentioned them and they trade in the US not some backwaters exchange.
Imagine if I actually had motivation and got paid to research stocks…