Nine Days until the Olympics
February 3rd, 2010
Everyone is going to write about the Olympics, so why not me? As mentioned yesterday I know a lot of the top bloggers in Vancouver, I know the folks at W2, or True North Media House, or even the Network Hub. I send them all business. Also having talked to some other entrepreneurs it has become apparent that no one may know more about the cafes in Gastown than me, so it is good Nicole ran into me yesterday.
I’m in Gastown at Smart Mouth right now, which besides the obvious of Starbucks is the cafe people are looking at as competition when they plan their business. Waves, JJ Bean, Acme, Quik, etc. are not consider as stiff of competition, even the recently arrived Trees wasn’t on their radar too much, too far West perhaps from their proposed location…
Enough of work, I’m officially on my break. I may have more breaks in the future as apparently I have 18 banked days of earned vacation, of course I may have all the time in the world again, so I’m not in a hurry and I can’t afford to just take a couple weeks off. Plus BOB, coworking@BOB, and Chinatown are pretty busy, I’m even marching in the Chinese New Year’s Parade.
So look for pictures, I’ve taken a few with my new iPhone or my work Blackberry and often they get posted to BOB’s Flickr stream, but I plan to post a few more to my own. People keep asking me to take pictures of the city. I even saw CCTV 5 filming on Pender Street today so the eyes of the world are indeed turning to Vancouver. Apparently Johnny Depp was seen on Water Street this morning. Lots of people are trying to capture the media’s attention, including government and non-profits in the DTES, maybe a few people will pay attention to what I say.
I looked at my traffic number the other day and I think I had 17000 plus visitors last month, which worked out to 6-7000 unique visitors. We’ll see if the Olympics affects my traffic much. My miniature painting website gets most of the traffic and I don’t think it will be affected by the Olympics at all.
I guess I’ll count down the days and try to post pictures regularly, I’ll even be at the Bronze Metal Hockey Game and several of the Cultural Olympiad events.
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