7 Days until the Vancouver Olympics
February 5th, 2010
If today’s commute on the number 3 Main Street bus was any indication, it would be quicker for me to walk to work during the Olympics. There was a lot of mostly negative news today in the media about the DTES and the Olympics, or homelessness and the Olympics, or social housing and the Olympics, or drug use and the Olympics. I set aside a few stories as they were in big main stream media, mostly American.
On Twitter you see more and more reports of athletes being seen around town, my coworker described them as big black guys in tracksuits with a flag on the shoulder she didn’t recognize. What can I say, she is from Saskatchewan. Don’t expect athletes to blog that much, the IOC has put restrictions on what they can and cannot do and say.
Bloggers are gearing up from Dave Olsen to Miss604. I keep bumping into them online and off, my employer uses WordPress and we offered to host WordCamp Vancouver but they are looking for an even bigger event space, so maybe we’ll host a satellite or shoulder event.
Wes and I have been raising BOB’s profile online with several posts related to the Olympics or at least how Building Opportunities with Business contributed in some small way to Vancouver 2010.
There is only going to be more and more text online about the Olympics and my Googlejuice does not rival the New York Times, but hopefully all three of my regular readers will appreciate my straight forward and slightly warped take on things.
I didn’t take any photos today, maybe I’ll take some at the Blue Dragon later if they allow them there are plenty on Flickr with more to come.

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