Muschamp Rd

Posts about Cinema

Fuck it, let’s go bowling

Tuesday, December 26th, 2006

I just watched “The Big Lebowski” again. I was going to watch it last night, but I discovered my VCR was dead. My mom thinks it was killed by some sort of power surge as it has hardly been used. It wasn’t one of our recent storms, but rather died while I was in China. No one had noticed until now…

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Thursday, July 27th, 2006

While sitting at home in Deep Bay, I happened upon “Rushmore” on TV. I’m a big Wes Anderson fan. I own several of his movies but not “Rushmore”, I saw “The Royal Tenenbaums” first and seeing “The Life Aquatic” at the SUB was one of the few flashes of fun I had in a galaxy of dispair while a Sauder MBA student…

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