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Posts about Job Search

Grinding away at Game Programming

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

Today I finished off the fourth chapter of “Learn Cocos2D 2 (Third Edition)”. I don’t have much to show for my efforts though I suppose I could add “Kobold2d” to my resume since I’ve continued to use that framework in addition to Cocos2D. I can’t help thinking the way my last project management job interview went I shouldn’t be studying Unity3D…

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Expert Job Search Advice

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

During my lengthy job search I’ve written and collected a lot of blog postings. Despite experts continuing to insist, you can blog your way to a new job, I’m not convinced that will work for everyone. So I’ve collected together in one place the best advice and resources both on my website and elsewhere…

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Blog your way to a better career (they really, really mean it)

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Self proclaimed experts continue to insist that jobseekers should blog. I’ve written well over 1000 blog posts and I have to say the more I blogged, the worse my so called career has gone. Other people may have benefited from blogging, but it isn’t advantageous nor necessary for everyone to blog…

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Barney Stinson’s Video Resume

Monday, October 8th, 2012

When you’re unemployed you have a lot of time on your hands. Sometimes you end up watching TV shows you never knew existed when you had a job and didn’t have time for cable television…

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The One Page Resume

Friday, February 24th, 2012

I’ve been unemployed for too long. There are obviously reasons for this and if I had all the answers, I wouldn’t be unemployed now would I? I try to shore up my weaknesses and leverage my strengths…

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