Search Engine Savvy
November 21st, 2005
Although my website is far from the center of the web. In fact it is way out in the long tail. None the less I get a few visitors and especially on my free-wheeling blog I get some odd referrals. I don’t help matters by excessively using phrases such as unreal calf muscles casually in passing.
Although I plan another article on search engine optimization tentatively to be written in early December I’ve recently noticed my blog postings are appearing in the main Google index with great rapidness. Jason Dowdell and I had previously estimated about a week for this to happen but now it is happening much faster, at least for Muskblog.
I had also proposed a way to easily test this. Simply set up a Google Alert for an obscure keyword phrase and then use that in your blog. The phrase I have chosen to use is quadrangle juniper. I don’t know if this is a googlewhack or not, but it doesn’t matter it seems highly unlikely a lot of other people will be blogging about it.
Now in 2019 Google indexes websites even blogs much more rapidly than in 2005. Google is constantly updating their algorithms and index. This is good news for web surfers but my blog is now less popular and blogs at least personal blogs like mine are no longer considered “news” by Google. It is not all bad news, bloggers can use various social networks to increase exposure to their website but the Internet is a lot bigger now so there is even more competition for people’s attention. If you have some insight or tricks for maximizing blog exposure in Google you can leave a comment below.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Technology and tagged: Google, Long Tail, Search Engines.
According to my Google Alert this posting is now in their index. It is the 24th here in China, so that is only three days. I’m sure a post can be indexed faster. If you are in their news source list they will index you right away I’m told.