MySpace Killer?
August 7th, 2006
At least according to Kevin Burton, Vox will ‘kill‘ WordPress and MySpace. I took a quick look but I didn’t sign up. I just don’t care to be a member of another blogging/social networking website. I don’t even have a account and that is what I generally recommend to people who want to set up a blog but don’t want to worry about hosting. Blogger seems to have more spam problems and MySpace tries to be all things to all people.
Vox vows to play “well with other web services” but I still wonder why after going through all the trouble of uploading your wedding photos to Flickr, inviting all your friends to Friendster, your business associates to LinkedIn, and publishing for a year or so at any of the existing free blogging services you move everything to Vox? The longer someone uses a service, the more data they have entered into it, the bigger the switching cost involved.
Emlyn moved his blog from Drupal to WordPress partly as a result of my recommendations, but it still took work and a certain level of technical expertise. Based on the webpages being made over at MySpace I don’t think the average user could migrate all their postings, photos, and friends easily. There are some tools to move from blogging software X to WordPress, maybe some tools will be created to move to Vox. Or maybe some level of inter-communication will arrive similar to what is finally starting to happen in the instant messaging space.
Social Networking
I wrote a lot about online social networks back in the day. I really should be more well known and more well off, but my MBA did not go well and I definitely purged a lot of people from my network and my life. They made it abundantly clear we were not friends, not even Facebook friends. If you have thoughts on friendship or social networking you can leave them below. I think Vox is a news website these days and WordPress is obviously doing fine, better than MySpace ironically.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Technology and tagged: MySpace, Online Social Networks, Vox.
Google seems to be adding some of the features found in Vox to Blogger. It is in beta now but soon Blogger will have tags, (I didn’t know they were even missing, that is a big minus currently) friend only posts, and greater control over templates ie look and feel.
I can’t get too excited about any of this crap. It doesn’t matter the greatest amount of control will always be in hosting your own site on your own domain using something like WordPress. Anyone who is serious about blogging and building a brand should look beyond Blogger, MySpace, and even Vox. Don’t believe me, go read what Jakob Nielsen has to say about blogging, he is considered one of the web gurus. Notice how Muskblog tries to follow what he says though for 8 and 9 I probably fail.
For 8 I don’t care to limit myself nor start multiple blogs and for 9, I’d rather tell the truth than lie, it is that simple.
Here is an article over on dealing with the Blogger beta.