Astronomi-con Vancouver 2008
July 17th, 2008
I played at Astronomi-con Vancouver last weekend. It was pretty fun though extremely tiring. More power to Mike and Christian for running it. Supposedly there might be even more Astros in the future…
I used my Diseased Sons Chaos Spacemarine army. The devotees of Nurgle came third to last but I still almost managed to win a trophy or two. I did manage to win a door price, the 5th Edition Warhammer 40,000 rulebook plus some counters and tokens.
I’m already thinking what I might do next year, including building a special 6*4 table for the tournament.

I wasn’t active in the hobby for years. I was living in China. Now I’ve moved to Calgary and Covid has cramped many people’s plans. I never did get my new gaming table finished. That is a project I won’t be resuming in 2022, but I do plan to paint more this coming year than I have in a great while. We’ll see if my back, hips, and eyes are up to it.
Many years ago, and several Astronomi-con Vancouvers ago I started another blog devoted to painting miniatures and gaming. I detailed my first game of Warhammer 40,000 in seven years over there. Not sure when I’ll get to go to a gaming convention again or enter a tournament. If you have thoughts on gaming conventions and tournaments you can leave them below.
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