Chaos Space Marine Havocs
May 20th, 2009
Over the long weekend I did a lot of miniature painting, maybe too much. Combined with some guitar playing and my generally unhealthy lifestyle my back and my thumb on my painting hand were really sore. But that isn’t what this post is about. It is to show off some of the models I’ve completed over the last few days as well as some WIP pictures.
I’m gradually building towards an appearance at Astronomi-con Vancouver. The Nurglings are just remnants of an old idea as I can’t use them in my CSM army anymore.
The main focus of my efforts was to get a squad of Chaos Havocs complete with four autocanons finished. They are pretty spiffy, too spiffy for the time and energy I have available. More pictures and in-progress pictures used to be at the B&C, but that thread is no longer available in 2021.

I’m also working on a new lord to lead my forces at Astro. Below is the base and the demonic mount for the Chaos Lord who I’ve dubbed Hewhocannotbenamed.

The below conversion was the fourth I completed but the most popular one over at the Bolter and the Chainsword. I outlined how I built it over there too.

The final Havoc may have been the most work. I kinda made things up as I went. I got the Imperial Guard Autocanons off eBay then when the time came I just dug into my bit box and built them.

I didn’t completely abandoned Nurgle. The Nurglings below were bought for another army idea, which never came to be due to my MBA and the new Chaos Codex. I used these guys to test out some colors which you’ll see or not see in my Astronomi-con Vancouver army.

Painting Miniatures in 2022
Many years have passed and I decided to revisit all my old posts about painting miniatures before the year ends. In 2022, I hope to do more miniature painting and I will likely document it on my other blog and on Instagram as that is what all the kids use nowadays.
Kids also use TikTok but I won’t be using that nor will I likely be doing a vlog or podcast though people suggest it. I just want to get my life in order so I can paint for an hour or two a couple times a week. I’ll be focussing on Nurgle Plague Marines again, but there are also snazzy new Chaos Space Marine Havoc models so who knows maybe I’ll paint more, but that might be a 2023 or later project.
If you have miniature painting plans, you can share them below. These Havocs came out pretty well, but I never did that well in the tournament, I doubt I’ll enter a 40K tournament in 2022, I’m still learning the 9th Edition rules, so far I’ve just played once. But with the rise of Omicron who knows when I’ll get to play again.
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