Muschamp Rd


WordPress is a lot more Popular

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

I’ve been doing some Googling on various WordPress and other Internet trends. I really should have done more with my blog and website, but I had a lot of issues to deal with in the last few years. Now things are stable in some ways, but since I’m unemployed not stable enough. I’ve spent the last five days doing a crash course on WordPress, PHP, and plugins. I still have a bug or two, but my custom WordPress theme is cleaner and leaner than ever…

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Redoing sidebar.php Again

Friday, September 10th, 2010

I just spent all evening changing my sidebar.php, that is the chunk of HTML and PHP that makes the stuff to the right of the text appear and work…

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Muskblog is back and better

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Once again my WordPress upgrade was hellacious and it is always the same two things: plugins and text in Asian characters i.e. Chinese and Japanese. Luckily after three fruitless days of updating and rolling back there appears to be a simple fix to the Asian text turned to gibberish upon WordPress upgrade problem…

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Me & My Digital Music Collection

Monday, September 6th, 2010

I downloaded the latest greatest version of MacOS and iTunes and started fooling around with Ping and I agree with the consensus, does more…

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New iTunes, new iCon

Monday, September 6th, 2010

So I’m up late updating my miniature painting blog and generally reading about miniature painting. When I notice my laptop wants to update. I ignore it for a while. Then I see what it is and it is a new version of iTunes. No biggie, no need to reboot, so I let it download. It updates my library, now my iPhone, but the big news is it has a new icon…

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