Muschamp Rd

Scotland Trip 2024: Thurso & Bettyhill

April 5th, 2024 Arriving in Thurso

In 2023, I came up with my plan to finally visit the ancestral homeland of the Clan Mackay…

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Scotland Trip 2024: Inverness & Culloden

April 2nd, 2024 In Inverness

Inverness is known as the capital of the Highlands but a lot of people just pass through, I decided to spend two nights there and explore the city and surrounding area…

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Scotland Trip 2024: The Whisky

March 26th, 2024 Whisky Souvenirs

Now I’m not a whisky fanatic. I drink a whisky every now and then. I buy bottles and dutifully let them collect dust. However as I learned while planning this trip, somethings are closed in Scotland between October and April 1st, but apparently not whisky distilleries…

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Scotland Trip 2024: Planning

February 13th, 2024 Lonely Planet Scotland

While doing blog maintenance I realized it had been over twenty years since I’d been to Europe and I’d still never visited Scotland…

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Exit 2023, Enter 2024

January 1st, 2024 My Instagram Top 9 for 2023

Not only is this the first blog post of 2024, but it is the first blog post since I finally upgraded WordPress to version 6.4.2…

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