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This blog does not focus on reviewing books, movies, albums, or games. However over the years a number of the posts I’ve written could be considered book reviews or film reviews or album or game recommendations. I may recommend another book, movie, album or game at any time.

In fact my year end blog post often sums up the books I’ve read and the music I’ve enjoyed during the year, using analytics and social media. I don’t seem to watch as many films as I used to nor do I often play video games, but I’ve studied film and sunk thousands of hours into single video games.

I’m not solicitating products to review. However if you have a recommendation of a book, film, album, game or product I might like you can contact me using email or social media. You can read the posts in this category to see some of my reviews and recommendations I’ve made over the years.

Tableau Your Data: A Book Review

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

As part of my ongoing job search I have seen a lot of job postings listing Tableau as a requirement or a nice to have. And in a recently purchased Humble Bundle of ebooks was “Tableau Your Data!” 2nd edition so I’ve finally taken the plunge to increase my data visualization skills…

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Python for Data Analysis: A Book Review

Wednesday, December 19th, 2018

For the last couple days while not networking or applying for jobs I’ve been parked in a couple of cafes in Shanghai working my way through the book “Python for Data Analysis”…

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Web Analytics 2.0

Saturday, August 16th, 2014

Continuing my summer reading list, I finally finished “Web Analytics 2.0” by Avinash Kaushik. I think the book suffers a little from being too long, from repeating stuff he already blogged about, and trying to appeal to the widest audience possible…

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Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

My genealogical research continues, with my grandmother taking an interest and offering to fund it, so I broke down and joined I had already consumed most of the documents in my immediate families possession, read books, searched the Internet, asked questions, and put everything I knew into Reunion 9…

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Rework Excerpt

Monday, January 30th, 2012

I’m currently reading “Rework” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, the founders of 37signals. I haven’t quite finished the book but the following excerpt seemed relevant to my posts of late and my current predicament…

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