Muschamp Rd


This is not a travel blog. However this blog was started while I was an MBA student and I went on exchange to China. This was actually the third country in which I lived abroad as an expat, following Germany and Japan where I was a software developer and an English teacher respectively.

Having lived in Europe and Asia I’ve travelled those continents the most after North America. During my career in Canada I’ve worked and lived in: Victoria, Vancouver, Prince George, Yellow Knife, Calgary and Ottawa. You can of course read my resume, but if you really are interested in traveling this is the blog category for you.

After talking about it for many years I finally visited Scotland. Writing a series of blog posts on that trip is what inspired me to redo my taxonomy and focus my blogging exploits on the topics people are more interested in. So if you have questions or thoughts on where I’ve lived and traveled you can read this blog category or contact me using email or social media.

Scotland Trip 2024: The Highlights

Sunday, April 14th, 2024

In 2024 I finally made it to Scotland. I travelled North through the Highlands touring whisky distilleries on the way. Finally I made it to MacKay Country. Then I pushed further North to Orkney before flying South to Edinburgh to storm the castle. Eventually however I had to return to Calgary Alberta…

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Scotland Trip 2024: Edinburgh

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

I had committed to attending the Highland Whisky Academy in March so I didn’t make it to Edinburgh until after I’d traveled through the Highlands and onward to Orkney. So you could say I took the scenic route to Edinburgh.

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Scotland Trip 2024: Orkney

Sunday, April 7th, 2024

When you look at where Thurso is on the map and you see the ferry is right near by, it is hard not to push further North to the Orkney Islands with their unique Norwegian heritage…

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Scotland Trip 2024: Thurso & Bettyhill

Friday, April 5th, 2024

In 2023, I came up with my plan to finally visit the ancestral homeland of the Clan Mackay…

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Scotland Trip 2024: Inverness & Culloden

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

Inverness is known as the capital of the Highlands but a lot of people just pass through, I decided to spend two nights there and explore the city and surrounding area…

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