The Power of 关系
December 27th, 2005
So I just got off the phone with the TA from my Theory of Investment class. I still don’t know my grade but it is conceivable that it will be my worst one, ie less than 84%. In fact if I was a gambling man I’d take that bet. One of the Chinese people I went out of my way to help was her husband. He had a really important interview with the British Embassy concerning a job and a scholarship to study abroad in England. The final interview was in English and I conducted some mock interviews and gave him some other tips.
The interview must have went well. It is unwise to count your chickens before they hatch but they are anxiously waiting for some sort of formal confirmation. The TA always promised me lunch for my troubles, but I’m just not very mercenary. Now however I have a lot less going on so we are going to lunch on Thursday.
She also mentioned her assistant who is a very very pretty girl, two very’s I believe. She has a big test coming up too, presumeably in English or partly in English, and I guess is looking for help. I swear I could probably fill an entire day with language exchanges or helping people with their English/Application/Test Preparation. I also got a reply back from Sophie, whom Emlyn introduced me to, she assures me there is a position for me at her school.
I’m still looking for a position that fits a little better with my two degrees, Computer Science and Business Administration. Maybe I should just give in to the relentless pressure and become a fulltime English teacher again. That wouldn’t solve my upcoming visa problems nor pay off my debt promptly.
I also slept through my 100 RMB voice dubbing job. Well not really, I slept through the SMS message to arrange a time to do the voice dubbing. I didn’t feel like getting out of bed to check an SMS message.
My TA also mentioned that some of her classmates were looking for investment bankers, but I told her I’m not sure if that is the position for me, seeing as I wasn’t a Finance Specialist. In more advise for future MBAs I’d have to say the most jobs are in Marketing, Finance, and Supply Chain and not in that order either.
Nothing may come of all this of course, but at the very least I should get to meet a very, very, pretty girl. She should be having lunch with us on Thursday. Now at least I have a reason to get out of bed, which I didn’t have today.
In other 关系 news, the various women who work at the MBA office and my official conversation partner have arranged so that I can stay in dormitories even though my claim to being a Tsinghua student is getting dubious. This should be fine for the short term and it only costs 60 RMB a night.
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Ah, I was wondering if anything came of that. Let me know how it goes. As I said at the time, teaching English will at least pay your rent and keep you in food (and exotic imported beers) while you look for an MBA job in Beijing…
Ah, I was wondering if anything came of that. Let me know how it goes. As I said at the time, teaching English will at least pay your rent and keep you in food (and exotic imported beers) while you look for an MBA job in Beijing…