Muschamp Rd

Back in Lush after a hard days shopping in Beijing

January 30th, 2006
Lush sign

I’m not sure how many hours later it is, but I’m back at Lush in the exact same seat, sitting in front of my Mac.

Today I went to Walmart. I took pictures but they’ll have to wait until my blog is working better. I think a WordPress version 2.0.1 isn’t too far away, that might fix my permalink issues.

I bought a pair of Chinese jeans and on an impulse a fancy bottle of baiju in a wooden box with matching glasses. They had lots of these box sets for New Years, I looked at all of them and figured what the hell, even though I hate the stuff it is a good souvenir.

A fancy box set of Baiju

This is a picture of the Baiju I didn’t buy. I just started taking pictures until I was told to stop. I think they didn’t want the prices known. Anyway I figured what the hell and seriously started thinking about buying something, this was my second favourite bottle. It had a glass/plastic dragon floating inside the bottle in the Baiju. It was quite big and I don’t know how it got in there.

Update May 2024

I wore those jeans a fair amount but eventually they developed holes and I had to give them to my mom most likely as spare fabric. I still have the bottle of baiju I bought almost twenty years ago, not one drop has been drunk. In 2024, I edited so many old blog posts and I went through Apple Photos on my MacBook Pro and dug up more old photos. I wonder if I have a picture of the bottle of baiju I actually bought.

The bottle is in the other room so I could always take a new photo of an old bottle of baiju. In 2005 and early 2006 I took a fair amount of photos but it isn’t like today when everyone has a cameraphone. I have a lot more photos of China but I am slowly uploading more to Flickr as the current host for this blog is not performing well.

If you have thoughts about living in Beijing almost twenty years ago or more recently you can leave a comment below.


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