The Olympics are over, turn off the flame.
March 1st, 2010
Today I’m off work and recovering. I shouldn’t have let Mathieson talk me into going downtown, right downtown after the Olympic Gold Medal Hockey Final. Other than some pictures I’m not sure what was gained. I did enjoy my Fritz, but it was hard staying together and in the end I just pushed on down Granville until I could find a seat to watch the closing ceremonies.
Neil Young was good, but the rest wasn’t so hot, though everyone liked William Shatner. He was at the game, most people who appeared at the game on TV who were famous were part of the closing ceremonies. Todd Wong was overly disappointed, but apparently some Canadians turned down the offer to perform. It really is just a big Gong Show anyway, Canadians were mostly drunk and not paying attention. I haven’t bothered to see what the mainstream press has to say.
I took photos but my sister, while she was in town, took more. They can be found in various sets on Flickr, as can a number of groups full of Olympic photos such as True North Media House. I’ve used a few of my sister’s photos below.

Directly after the game, my mother and sister left for the Island. I watched the final game of the hockey tournament at the On the Edge pub with the usual cast of characters. Many bloggers and photographers were there so I’m sure more words and pictures will surface. Maybe I’ll try and find them, but right now I just want to get this final Olympic post finished.
More to come I’m sure on the fallout of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. I’m going to do some domestic chores and get some lunch. I seem to have caught Will’s cold or something. I may venture forth to see what there is to see, or I may just stay in and watch movies. I plan to hit the gym finally, seriously, as I look fatter and fatter as the Olympics went on. I also plan to do more miniature painting now that the Olympics are over and my house guests are gone.
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