Kushiel’s Dart Plus Plus
May 9th, 2010
I read all through the night to finish “Kushiel’s Dart“. I’m not even sure it is that good of book, but I’ve really altered my sleep pattern, so I forced myself to finish it. The wikipedia has a more than ample plot summary, but it is a long book. It starts with a map, a fantasy genre staple, then a list of characters, very Russian or other long family saga. I pushed on, having not read a fantasy novel in many years.
Fantasy Bonafides
I have my fantasy cred having read the first three Dragonlance series and countless others from Xanth to Discworld. I’m not sure I realized there were eight other books when I bought this one. I’m well aware of that fact now. I still have a pile of unread material and may salvage another novel from the pile rather than deal with my unfinished non-fiction.
Kuskiel’s Dart wasn’t a great book. I knew who would win and who would die and who would escape. I kept trying to place the time frame. It started as more of a historical fantasy, but after 600 pages of writing about gods, I guess it was time for one to show up in the form of the Master of the Straights. I thought him some pirate until then despite the voodoo and descended from angels nature of the Terre D’Angeline.
Fantastic Never Ending Stories
I don’t know when or if I’ll read more of this series, I’m unemployed so will be reading the books I own for a while longer. I’m kinda anti never ending stories, preferring novels with a beginning, middle, and an end. I guess it is just more profitable and easier to return to the known.
The night is still young and I’m not sure what I’ll do after updating my blog. Whatever I do, I’ll do it with alacrity, which apparently is en vogue as it appeared at least five times in Kushiel’s Dart.
Historical Fantasy
Some research, maybe even considerable research was undertaken in writing this book, but the description of the Picts and Norseman seems to be Dark or Middle Ages while the descriptions of the French seems to be Medieval. It is obvious the book is written by a woman, which is maybe why I bought it, too many elaborate descriptions of clothing and color. The Dalridians fight in chariots, but I doubt single occupant chariots, traditionally there is a driver and rider who fights with javelin or on foot. The novels seem to inspire a tattoo fad of sorts.
I’m also not sure so many people take pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering upon others, but I do know it is possible to love someone and be afraid of them at the same time.
My final thought before I hit publish was “Gully Dwarves Represent!”
No Light Reading
It is now 2019 and many times I’ve looked for the second book in this series and not found it. I could of course order it but I prefer to buy my books from physical book stores when I can. Even more amazing I’ve been living in China for four years and forcing myself to read the CFA® curriculum and my flashcards over and over and over.
I can’t say it made me happy or rich. Editing old blog posts and trying to improve the Quality of this blog also doesn’t have much ROI. I’m not sure this is one of my better posts, but if you like this series of books or fantasy novels in general you can leave a comment below.
I guess the series that this might get compared with nowadays that has become much more famous and profitable since 2010 is “A Song of Ice and Fire”. I have read George R. R. Martin stories but not that one. Now that I’m done with my CFA studies I keep trying to read more, but every year it seems I read less real books and more tweets and what have you. If you have thoughts on fantasy novels and lengthy series you can leave a comment below.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Reviews and tagged: Dragonlance, Fantasy, Literature.
Apparently all my reading has some purpose, I updated the Wikipedia page for Kushiel's Dart as I now believe the villianess is named after Queen Melisende of Jerusalem. Maybe I should write my own historical fantasy…