A Return to 40K?
July 12th, 2014
Yesterday at GW Highgate I got talked into painting a model. The first model I’ve painted in over three years. I stopped playing Warhammer 40,000 and painting miniatures to try and focus on the CFA exam and finding a full time job.
And it took until 2021 to get in another game…
It took another seven years for me to play another game of Warhammer 40,000. I think the game is up to the 9th edition. Covid is not conducive to social gatherings, but in 2022 I hope to paint more miniatures and play more tabletop games.
I’ll tried to keep this blog more professional but I’m not ashamed to be a gamer. I’m proud of the 1000s of hours I’ve put into painting miniatures. Maybe I could have done something more productive with my time, but I could have done a lot worse. I have hundreds of painted miniatures to show for my effort not to mention 100s of blog posts, maybe even some Klout. I’ve met some very interesting people through the online Warhammer 40,000 community, people who became valued professional contacts and friends.
I got in five games of 7th edition. My army will need a lot of work to be competitive even in casual random games. I’ve now spent four years living and working in China and GW is much more prevalent there then it was when I first living in China. It is definitely an expensive hobby one I couldn’t return to until I turned my career around after passing all three CFA® exams. The 8th edition of the game came out, I bought the rules for my army but not the core rules but hopefully soon I can enjoy life a little more and maybe even return to gaming.
If you have thoughts on Warhammer 40,000 you can leave them below. I recommend you follow my miniature painting blog linked to above if you are really into the hobby.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: DIY, Hobbies, & Interests and tagged: 40K, Games Workshop, Miniature Painting.
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