Muschamp Rd


Updated my PHP mashup code

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

As my latest period of unemployment continues to lengthen I’ve worked on an ever larger collection of PHP code that I’ve written and used to make several web mashups…

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Microsoft Office Upgrade

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

After yesterday’s furious update of Mac OS X Lion and a whole bunch of apps, I finally got around to trying my new version of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel this morning…

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Mac OS X Lion costs more than you think

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

I knew Lion was coming.  I follow people on Twitter.  They tweeted about starting to download.  I decided I would upgrade and then see whether my mom and sister should upgrade.  I’ve been using OS X since the public beta.  I have a lot of experience using computers, upgrading computers, developing software, etc. etc.  The upgrade itself went relatively smoothly, but when apps I use everyday and were in my dock had big no good symbols drawn through the icon, well I told my sister and mother not to upgrade…

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BlogLevel VS Klout VS Technorati

Friday, July 15th, 2011

So sometime in the last 24 hours a Tweet appeared on my phone from one of Vancouver’s more famous writers talking about a tool released by Edelman…

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Unanswered Questions regarding Open Source software

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

Although I took the time to write an entire blog post on open source software, I realized I posed several questions, which I didn’t bother answering. They weren’t exactly rhetorical, they were examples or at least indicative of the questions I’d been asked regarding open source software in job interviews…

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