Muschamp Rd


MyBlogLog Weirdness

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

The other day, I got a notice that I joined some blogs fan community on MyBlogLog. Long time readers may remember I had some questions about this app/service and privacy. The blog in question is not one I’m particularly proud to admit I read occasionally, certainly not a blog I read everyday, week, or am subscribed to the RSS feed for. Apparently MyBlogLog now ads me to the community if I visit that blog a couple times…

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Blogging on Blogging

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

Blogging about blogging is rather popular, both by established and new bloggers. The media form is constantly evolving and there are always new twists, tools, and techniques…

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Tagging Fool

Friday, April 24th, 2009

As part of upgrading my blog and as well as setting up a new blog on I’ve learned a lot about tags. Previously I was still using a pre-tags version of WordPress. Muskblog has been online for several years, for longer, and I’ve had a homepage online since 1996, so I’ve got content. A lot of it is hand rolled and outside of any CMS system. I used to be something of an HTML and CSS guru, even Eric Meyer thought I knew a thing or two…

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Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

As part of the setup for the new Greening the Inner-city blog I’m helping some folks get up and running. I’ve been asked a lot of questions about WordPress, specifically what differentiates it from Blogger, Drupal, self hosting, plugins, the importance of well chosen categories, the rise of tags…

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Possible Scam Alert

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

The office manager at BOB got an email requesting us to update our DNS information. This isn’t really my main line of work but when I got around to it I looked carefully and the domains involved didn’t seem to correspond to our webhost or the people we have registered with…

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