Muschamp Rd

Posts about iPhone

More iPhone Gaming

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

I ended up spending much of 2010 unemployed. I tried to use my time productively writing a lot of PHP code, but I also spent too much time gaming. I also did a lot of blogging probably too much…

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iPhone Gaming

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

I’ve been up to quite a lot behind the scenes here at, looking for a job is still my primary purpose in life, but I spent much of this afternoon preparing for my hockey pool, but one thing I’ve been spending time on, which is a bit unexpected is iPhone gaming…

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Joined iPhone Nation

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

I just up and bought it as I was tired of the limitations of my pay as you go phone which I got temporarily over two years ago…

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Ctrip: For traveling inside China

Thursday, January 5th, 2006

I had heard several Tsinghua foreign exchange students mention this site, but I assumed it would be all in Chinese. This is not the case and it seems to be perfectly usable in English. I’ve decided to book my hotel in Nanjing using it. If it works out well, I will also use it to plan my trip to Chengdu which is where I may go next…

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