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Posts about MBA

My Sauder MBA Souvenir DVD Entry

Friday, January 6th, 2006

This should be my entry into our class souvenir DVD…

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Why does everything have to be so hard for me?

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

Hopefully the email quoted below clears up this unexpected mess. Though there is still the possibility I may be too late and the grades may have been submitted…

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Never ending headaches

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

So I got an email from the TA of the Managing Global Innovation class today saying I did not submit a paper and they may have to give me zero. This would be laughably funny if it wasn’t so serious. I told Gary Lau my life only gets worse…

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Sauder Valedictorian Election

Thursday, November 24th, 2005

Apparently I’m not nominated, a shocker I know. I am glad I got to vote in both the elections. It is nice to actually get to vote. I didn’t even know you can do a write in candidate until after I voted for the first batch. Maybe I should have wrote in Cthulu to revise an old tradition of not choosing a lesser evil…

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Another tiring day in Beijing

Friday, November 18th, 2005

I seem to spend all my time in front of my PowerBook and not all of it is spent productively. I’ve mostly caught up on my emails, but there is a never ending stream of them…

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