Muschamp Rd

Posts about Networking

Guy Kawasaki Pimps

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007

How is that for title Guy?

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Yet again I was the only white person there

Wednesday, February 1st, 2006

On Saturday the 28th I went to a party that was advertised in the lounge of my dorm. It said there would be Chinese boys and girls there, I was suppose to meet them at the East Gate of the People’s University. So I cab it over there and meet some random Chinese guy and we walk to the restaurant. We were suppose to make dumplings and I had no plans for the evening…

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Beijing Student Life

Thursday, January 5th, 2006

As my time as an exchange student comes to an end, I continue to spend most of my time on campus in Wu Dao Kou…

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Networking Online with LinkedIn

Saturday, November 26th, 2005

This morning I helped the husband of the TA for my Theory of Investment class prepare for his upcoming job interview with the British Embassy. When I was back at Sauder I went to a number of PDP events and was pleased to learn that I knew what was what when it comes to resumes, cover letters, and interviews. I credit the co-op program of the Computer Science Department at UVIC for that. Of course I tried to help fellow MBA classmates as much as I could…

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