September 29th, 2006
Barbecue season is coming to an end. It is currently windy and rainy here in Deep Bay. Yesterday however, the weather was well enough to cook a pork roast like I’ve been planing. I’ve cooked several beef roasts and chickens on the rotisserie in our BarBQ, but since I had plenty of pork rib rub and my Southern BarBQ sauce, I wanted to try and make use of it.
I prepared the pork roast just like I did the pork ribs. I used a little mustard when applying the rub. I then cooked it on a relatively low temperature in our BarBQ on a rotating spit. I checked on it hourly, but mainly I was planning to have it ready for when my mom got home from work at 6pm.
After the first hour it looked fine, after two I took a picture. The temperature was between 200-300 Celsius I believe. Shortly after two hours I started basting the roast with the sauce. I applied it twice and removed the roast to sit after about three hours of cooking.
When the vegetables were finished I sliced the roast and although it looked and tasted fine. It had a bit too much fat for my liking. I prefer beef and chicken to pork. I also think pork roasts should be cut thicker than beef roasts. I try to cut beef roasts thinly as we often use it for beef dips or other sandwiches later on. The pork seemed more substantial when cut about a centimeter thick. For turkey and chicken I try to get the meat to be a little less than a centimetre thick, it is easier to carve larger turkeys.
If you have any suggestions or questions you can leave them below.
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