Vancouver Coffee Blogging
July 18th, 2009
Once again I’m in a Waves, though I did go to the Bump n’ Grind for their top secret ice cream and espresso drink. This is the post coffee bike tour post, I got a few pictures and maybe even a few insights.
This isn’t the first blog post and there were of course pictures thrown up on Flickr too, but better late than never and with my legendary Googlejuice, how could I not blog?
At the Bump N’ Grind I had my first coffee made from a Clover, which is an automated, high tech, French Press, which Starbucks now controls so you won’t be seeing them at too many more neighborhood cafes. After that we went to Prado where I had a Cafe Mocha and checked out their white espresso machine.

Next we had our longest bike ride to JJ Bean on Main where I had one of their ice cream drinks plus a sandwich. The sandwich was better than the drink. After losing a few members of the tour we went up Main to Re-Entry my favourite cafe of the day, the owner was on hand to answer our questions and his shop had a unique decor. It is a bit further than I usually go up Main, but now that I know where it is at (28th and Main), I’ll have to visit again.
Finally we went to the Elysian Room, we were pretty coffee’d out. I followed the advice of the barista and ended up with another Clover coffee. I sampled it and another one Robert bought, but I drank more water than coffee here. Finally I biked to Chapters.

All this coffee plus a party next door affected my sleeping I think, but I did get in a lot of reading so it wasn’t all wasted time.

It is many years later now and many new cafes have opened in Vancouver but I’ve been living in Shanghai. I know Re-Entry closed as that happened before I went to China.
I drank a lot of coffee while I was studying for an ultimately passing all three CFA® exams. It still has not resulted in a new higher paying job but I spent most of the weekend applying for jobs. If you have thoughts on Vancouver’s cafe scene or a lead on a job you can leave a comment below.
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