Been Gardening
September 24th, 2011
Today was the first decent day in the last few so we got up early and finished our overhaul of the shrubberies near the front door of my mom’s house. I’d started on it last week, but I guess I got lazy and the weather got worse. We decided to add some new plants in areas formerly dominated by weeds and invasive species like grass, wild blackberries, and ivy. I’d also given the ‘prickly bush’ a severe pruning in order to make more room for the Japanese Maple and the rhododendrons. For reasons known only to my mom, the holly was also severely trimmed down.
In the new found space and sunlight I suggested we plant some new shrubberies with a bit more color in the late summer and early fall. So after a trip to Canadian Tire we had five new plants, which all flower, we also got some new tools which was a bit more exciting to me. We finished weeding and planting before lunch but it was decided to buy two more Calluna vulgris ‘Valentina’ on our next trip to Courtney.
I took a couple of quick snaps with my iPhone and typed up a quick blog post over lunch. Now with the weeding and gardening mostly out of the way I can get back to my main task of cleaning out my mother’s and grandmother’s garages.
It is now 2019, I’m back at my mom’s and back looking for a new job. This garden does not look this good anymore. We may hire someone as I am focussed on my job search and spending entirely too much time in front of my old laptop editing old blog posts trying to improve the Quality. If you have thoughts on gardening or how to blog you can leave them below.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: DIY, Hobbies, & Interests and tagged: Deep Bay, Gardening, Landscaping.
The new shrub right down in front in the last picture has been snacked upon by the deer. They also eat another plant I got my mom for mother’s day a few years back on our side deck. We’ll see if this latest plant can recover and bloom in the spring.
Gorgeous – you are a man of many talents Muskie! I especially enjoy reading what you write – it’s always so well said. I can’t remember the last time we saw the house but I’ll bet there are many changes. Our love to your mom and Sam and yourself, of course.