Muschamp Rd

DIY, Hobbies, & Interests

Hobby News that is almost Mainstream

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Peter Jackson, yes the bloke who made the Lord of the Rings movies collects miniatures. This isn’t news, he got the Perry Brothers to sculpt an entire unit of ANZACs in some weird scale. That’s right he paid to have each model hand sculpted, none were cast, he just displays the masters. It’s nice to have that kinda of money I guess…

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Initial Observations of Civ V

Monday, January 17th, 2011

For the record in my first six games I went 4-1 with one NC. I lost Orleans and decided I’d be better off restarting only to learn Civ V no longer scores abandoned games. I could have perhaps rallied, but I had tried some different and apparently less effective things that game. I could have played more but felt I should write down some of my thoughts and observations and as a life time Side Meier game fan…

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The Quest: An iPhone Game

Friday, November 19th, 2010

After completing Undercroft I went on a bit of a quest myself to find another game which had similar gameplay. The Quest is the closest competitor to Undercroft for those looking to recreate a little of that old school computer RPG feel on their iPhone…

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Back to playing Avernum 6

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

After rolling back the clock so to speak to three or four weeks ago. I did the dishes and decided to nothing couldn’t wait until tomorrow and ended up playing Avernum 6 for quite a bit while enjoying a beer…

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Avernum 6

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

So after getting stymied in Rimelands by bugs or flaws in the program, I ended up learning about an indy RPG series and impulsively downloaded the latest game from Spiderweb Software: Avernum 6 if you haven’t guessed. Short story I stayed up way too late three nights in a row wondering around the world of Avernum…

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