Muschamp Rd

Posts about 40K

A Return to 40K?

Saturday, July 12th, 2014

Yesterday at GW Highgate I got talked into painting a model. The first model I’ve painted in over three years…

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Hobby News that is almost Mainstream

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Peter Jackson, yes the bloke who made the Lord of the Rings movies collects miniatures. This isn’t news, he got the Perry Brothers to sculpt an entire unit of ANZACs in some weird scale. That’s right he paid to have each model hand sculpted, none were cast, he just displays the masters. It’s nice to have that kinda of money I guess…

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Started Terrain Project

Friday, April 9th, 2010

It didn’t go well, the guy at Home Depot who cut my foam, got progressively worse, and to compound things, my foam cutter can’t cut 12 inches, I need one of the hot knife style ones I guess…

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Wii be Gaming

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

One thing my sudden unemployment will give me time to do is game. No not gamble, I know the value of a dollar and the odds in gambling much too well, I’m talking about playing games for fun. I just bought a new game for my Wii that I’ve been looking and waiting for, for half a year, maybe forever, Tatsunoko VS Capcom…

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Painting Miniatures

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

Painting miniatures used to be something I spent a lot of time doing. Now in 2021 I don’t seem to have as much time and energy for it. But I hope to change that in 2022…

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