Muschamp Rd

Posts about 40K

Painted Chaos Space Marines

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

While I should have been studying for my CFA® exam I’ve painted up a couple Chaos Space Marines for tutorials I did as part of a community effort over at the Bolter and Chainsword…

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West Coast Mayhem

Monday, July 30th, 2007

For better or for worse, I’m going to West Coast Mayhem, or at least I’ve paid for a ticket to West Coast Mayhem. I’m sure there are some people on some internet forum who would prefer I wasn’t going to West Coast Mayhem. But I don’t have a very high opinion of 40K internet forums…

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A new low for internet forums

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

I’ve complained in my blog and online about people saying unkind things about me behind my back on internet forums. People are entitled to an opinion but being deliberately, callously hurtful, that is wrong…

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Painted Nurgle Forgeworld Dreadnought

Thursday, December 21st, 2006

Despite many power outages and a myriad of other problems, I’ve been working on the latest addition to my Nurgle 40K army. This is a Forgeworld Dreadnought I’ve dubbed “Blastmarker Billy”…

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40K coming to China

Tuesday, October 31st, 2006

One of my technorati feeds turned up a mention of Nurgle in a Chinese blog. This shows just how many blogs there are in Chinese now. Soon half the blogs in the world will be in Chinese I imagine…

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