Muschamp Rd

Posts about WordPress

Almost finished updating my taxonomy when…

Sunday, May 26th, 2024

The performance of my current website and webhost became so poor I filed a support request and upgraded everything I could even adding the W3 Total Cache plugin…

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New Year, New WordPress

Thursday, January 10th, 2019

It has been over two years since I did a major upgrade to this WordPress blog. I managed to keep it online through a lot of trials and tribulations…

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WordPress Plugin Woes

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

Although I and indeed the whole world have much bigger problems, I’ve continued to tweak and try to improve my WordPress install and theme. I am waiting for replies or updates for several plugins or support threads as detailed in my previous post. What I should probably be doing is studying but my heart isn’t in it and what I’m really waiting for is the company I interviewed with last to get back to me…

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Time to Upgrade WordPress

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

Although not what I wanted to be doing, it seems once again some script kiddy wannabe hackers have sucked up all my bandwidth. This time they are not just hotlinkers, this time they seem to be targeting a particular file and standard used by WordPress and other software…

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My Popular WordPress Tags

Tuesday, December 29th, 2015

I’ve spent entirely too much time the last two days working on this blog. First I decided to look into adding back the tag cloud to Muskblog as it is featured prominently on my CFA® Flashcard blog and I always thought when done well they look cool, the key of course is to carefully tag all your posts…

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