Single in Beijing
October 13th, 2005
We have moved on from “To Romance” and are now learning a Chinese folk song entitled something like “the moon is my heart”. Why are we learning this song? To help me pick up chicks. Apparently Danna has enlisted our guitar teacher in her mission to find me a good Chinese girl.
I’m not sure the difference between a good Chinese girl and a bad Chinese girl, or the difference between a good Chinese girl and EJ’s good Korean girl. I’ve never claimed to understand women.
I may go to a Chinese punk rock concert soon. That seems to be the only concerts that are advertised in the guitar shop where I study. Maybe I can find a busty goth/punk chick for my buddy Aahz. China isn’t exactly overflowing with busty goth/punk chicks, but it is the thought that counts, right?
The other thing I did on Tuesday was see Vivian. Vivian is my oddly aquired unofficial Chinese language exchange partner. Danna was initially skeptical of Vivian, partly because of how we met, partly because she’s overprotective, partly because Vivian is a hulking sub 100 pound Chinese girl who could rip me to shreds in the blink of an eye from across the table at the Sculpting in Time cafe. Now that we’ve met twice for coffee and I told Danna how strict Vivian is at correcting my pronounciation of ci versus zi and that I’ve actually learned some new Chinese idioms. These idioms will show up as phrases of the moment no doubt soon.

So once Danna started to warm to Vivian she asked what she looked like. I told Danna she is young and slim, you’ll hate her. Vivian actually looked more attractive this time. Last time we met I was just starting to get sick and wasn’t in the best mood, but I didn’t want to cancel at the last minute so I went. This time I was in a better mood and I even may have learned something. We even talked about my website and I gave Vivian another business card, she might even be a loyal reader now. However she would not consent to have her photo taken in the cafe that day. I thought she looked great, but she wanted to look her best for the readers of Muskblog so she is personally selecting an image to appear on my website.
She also mentioned how she has a roommate and that she is also a 美女.
It is now many years later and I am still single. I did live in Shanghai once where I must have dated more than I did in Beijing, but alas things never worked out for me in Shanghai either. Now I am in Calgary and I have tickets to see the Supersuckers this evening. I even dug up the exact shirt seen in the picture above, it doesn’t fit so well as I’ve managed become both older and fatter than I was in 2005. If you have thoughts after all these years about this blog post you can leave a comment below.

I’m glad I learned the website for Sculpting in Time is now a porn website. I wonder how many times I linked to it while I lived in Beijing? Finding domain squatters is not easy, I’ll have to give that more thought, but just editing hundreds of old blog posts already takes too much time.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Rambles and tagged: Beijing, Dating, Guitar.
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