Undergrad Case Competition Results
October 29th, 2005
Muskblog field reporter Catherine Chan 陈希 has written in with the results of the Citigroup Hong Kong business case competition. The team of undergrads from Tsinghua that I helped out a little did not win, nor to their disappointment did they make the final.
The final teams were:
Catherine says that although SMU did a great job the winner was McGill, a Canadian School, who’d a thunk it eh?. Catherine also sent some photos that she took while touring around downtown Hong Kong. This will give Chris and Gary‘s readership a nostalgic feeling perhaps.
I eventually visited Hong Kong twice, but I couldn’t get a job at HSBC or anywhere else in China despite passing all three CFA® exams. Now I update old blog posts to try and improve my Quality and search engine optimization.
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