Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai
December 17th, 2005
So went the chorus of the last Hang on the Box song I stayed for in their set.
Well I’m back from Shanghai, I even got my Mac back and more business cards. I was disappointed to learn just how old my clone was of my hard drive. Further despite cloning it back, it never would let me log in. I reinstalled Tiger and jumped through a bunch more hoops. I definitely lost data. I’m not sure what but definitely some photos and some iTunes playlists.
I have one more assignment and final exam left in my MBA degree. I’ve wasted two more days on fixing my mac and self indulgence. I basically have one and a half days to do the assignment plus a few hours in the evening to study for the exam owing to this trip to Shanghai and the conference I registered for.
So don’t expect many emails or blog postings, especially long blog postings until next Friday.
I’ve also decided to stay in China a while longer, I don’t really have any reason to rush home and I have more reasons to stay.
More Shanghai
Though I returned to Canada, my life has not gone well or smoothly the last decade or so. Now I’m once again unemployed and looking for work. I’m also giving this blog a massive overhaul including improving even deleting old blog posts in an attempt to improve Quality. I actually spent four years living in Shanghai and like everything since my MBA it didn’t quite work out. I still don’t understand why. But if you have questions about Shanghai I suggest you read one of the posts the algorithm selected below.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Technology and tagged: China, Hang on the Box, iTunes, Shanghai.
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