Russian Spammers
June 17th, 2007
My blog isn’t that popular especially now in 2024. But this post still gets keyword referrals from Google. I don’t know if I pissed off the wrong Russian spammer or if they just set their bots and tools after every WordPress blog they can find.
Some people read my website, some people link to my website, people quote me, they find my website in Google, though less and less after Google made various changes and I refuse to pay to play. However, I’m no threat to the Technorati Top 100. You know this is an old blog post because no one cares about the Technorati Top 100 now. Everyone brags about their Twitter followers or their Instagram followers or how many subscribers they have on YouTube or OnlyFans. I don’t have any subscribers on OnlyFans, I’ve never even bothered checking out that website.
Every now and then I get a new registered user, they aren’t registering to comment or subscribe to a post, they are spammers. They are almost always addresses. The last person to register was since that person registered Spam Karma 2 has sent me almost 300 emails and caught almost 1578 spams all in less than 24 hours.
I just want to send negative vibes to the folks over at particularly the owner of because my huge increase in blog spam coincides directly with you registering at Muskblog. I hope your inbox gets infested with crap. I also want you to know not one of your spams got through my filters and you’re just wasting my time, my webhost‘s time, and our bandwidth.
Still fighting Russian spam 17 years later
Yes it is now seventeen years later and I must have pissed off some Russian Spammers that can be the only reason this obscure blog post still gets traffic from Google. As I suspected somewhere in a comment was the phrase “xxxpornxxx”. The phrase did not appear in the body of the blog post until I got tired of seeing that keyword in my Google Search Console so I had to see which webpage was getting traffic for that term and it is this one.
Apparently my dear departed friend Kevin and I joked about how much spam I got and he assured me I had loyal readers and maybe I did seventeen years ago. Spammers are still trying to leave comment spam and for reasons known only to them that may be a phrase they target. I automatically stop comment spam or my current webhost who I am not happy with does. But Google keeps saying people find my website and this blog post in particular for the phrase “xxxpornxxx” so I finally investigated. I hope is happy, I’m sure he got his share of spam thanks to this blog post. I’d like them to know no more spam comments will be appearing on this blog post or anywhere on my blog if I can help it.
If you have thoughts on battling spam, particularly Russian spammers you can leave a comment below. But I’m warning you, if I think you’re just spamming I won’t publish your comment. I review all comments by new commenters and most commenters are new commenters on this unpopular but old blog.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Rambles and tagged: Blogging, Spam, Spammers.
Maybe my pagerank has gone up as today or last night I got at least a half dozen trackback spams that made it through SpamKarma 2 and everything else I run. They were all trying to sell drugs online, even though my posts were about Civilization III mostly. The IP and domain associated was:
IP: ,
Not true.
I am neither Russian, or a spammer.
I have been known to drink Russian Vodka and crack the odd can of spam…. but never together.
Just letting you know that your loyal readership is not all dudes with accounts.
Someone just registered as a user/reader of my blog with the user name xxxPORNOxxx.
If you guessed they had a email address you’d be right.
It is another sad fact of my life, that the only people who register as readers/commenters on my blog are Russian spammers.
The spammers, Russian or otherwise are out in full force. I don’t know if my blog crossed some imaginary popularity post, I don’t think my PageRank changed, I haven’t gained any major new incoming links, I haven’t written any more about calves or other portions of female anatomy, I don’t have any ads, I try to blog less, but the same problems persist, day in and day out.
The spammers don’t appear to accomplish anything but wasting bandwidth, I had to download almost 200 messages from Spam Karma 2 telling me about all the spam it was capturing.
Maybe some new automatic spamming tool has been recently released?
Another person registered using a address, then in less than 24 hours another 1000 plus comment spams.
This time the address was
All the spams were blocked by Spam Karma 2.
Piss Off Russian Spammers, find someone else to take advantage of, more than enough people I trusted have taken advantage of me then tossed me to the curb when I complained about how I was being treated. I’m not going to let you turn Muskblog into a giant ad for Cialis or whatever spammers are trying to sell today.