West Coast Mayhem
July 30th, 2007
For better or for worse, I’m going to West Coast Mayhem, or at least I’ve paid for a ticket to West Coast Mayhem. I’m sure there are some people on some internet forum who would prefer I wasn’t going to West Coast Mayhem. But I don’t have a very high opinion of 40K internet forums.
I’m not sure what I’m going to do, or what I’m going to take. I’m soon going to be unemployed again though I may have two interviews this week. Both for technical positions, neither of which I actually saw the job description and applied for. It is a long way from a job interview to a job sometimes…
Additional Links
I promised Nick Daniels free press. He put up three websites they are all no longer online the tournament organizers site have a skeleton of a website. All the forum threads are gone too even if the forum itself is still online.
Event Summary
West Coast Mayhem is now over and people have been weighing in on the forums with their opinions. My West Coast Mayhem Battle Reports and Tournament Summary is still online. Odd that I didn’t include any pictures in this post, there are some in the battle reports for sure.
The Future (of Tabletop Gaming)
Now it is over a decade later and all the accounts online but mine are gone. Few people maintain a website for over a decade and free hosting doesn’t always stay free or online. Today everyone is on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or all three but back in 2007 social media didn’t dominated the Internet and the hobby.
It is almost 2022. Tabletop gaming is arguably more popular than when I originally wrote this post. But with Covid-19 large gaming conventions are a risk. I know Adepticon has big plans including the return of the Golden Demons to North America. My painting isn’t quite up to that standard, but I have painting plans for the coming year and hopefully I can get in a few games of Warhammer 40,000 but I doubt I’ll enter a tournament or attend a convention, but if you have big plans you can share them below.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: DIY, Hobbies, & Interests and tagged: 40K, Vancouver, Warhammer.
I forgot to talk about how much work it was to buy my ticket to the Warhammer 40,000 tournament at West Coast Mayhem.
I got up really early in the morning, like 6:15 AM, not to buy the ticket, but because my roommate woke me up. So since I have to phone Ontario I start calling.
No answer, so I hang up and call back in 15 minutes.
No answer, so I leave a message and call back in 15 minutes.
This goes on for hours. Finally I talk to a real person and again I give GW my current address and you know what, they can’t sell me a ticket. The IT guy hasn’t put it in the system.
Meanwhile, literally hours have passed, I’ve gone to work, paid for about dozen short cell phone calls to Ontario.
So the guy says he’ll phone me back when he can sell it to me after lunch.
A while later the phone rings, it is GW, they are apologizing for not answering the phone for like an hour straight. I think they had some sort of problem in their building as the first time I talked to GW an alarm was going off in the background.
Anyway this GW employee has not talked to the other GW employee and can in fact not sell me a ticket because it is still not in their system. He promises to call me back when they can sell me a ticket. I’m not sure how three people were able to buy tickets when they weren’t even in GW’s computer system…
Maybe an hour later someone finally calls me back and sells me a ticket to an event I may not be able to attend because my life is still fucked up from doing my MBA at the Sauder School of Business.
I’m not bitter, no not me. It is my own fault for going to grad school. I voluntarily went out of my way to help my classmates, especially those that said they were my ‘friends’.