Online Painting Contest
September 2nd, 2008
The other day while I was trying to study for my CFA® I got email announcing a joint painting contest at two online forums I frequent. The Bolter and Chainsword and Da Waaagh which I always spell wrong. They are having an Assault on Black Reach painting contest. This is the marketing term for the new 5th Edition of Warhammer 40,000 box set.
I never bought the fourth edition box set. I didn’t play either of the armies and the last thing I need is more unpainted miniatures. Once again I bought the rule book early on so I could get playing right away. One thing that was in the 4th Edition but not in the 3rd or 2nd Edition box set was a mini rulebook. This was supposedly worth having especially for tournament players. I’m not a die hard tournament player, I mainly play for fun, but tournaments can be fun.
I told Darren I wouldn’t be pre-ordering the box set. I tried to pre-order the rulebook, one of the special editions even, but that failed.
At first I wasn’t sure I had time to paint both a Terminator and an Ork Nob. Now I’ve learned I only have to paint one. I’m leaning towards an ork, since no conversions are allowed. Previously I have used the marines that always come in the box sets as Chaos Space Marines which require some converting at least. Maybe I’ll even trade away some of the loyalists minis. I gave away my flying shoe landspeeder to Thor for some evil purpose.
Update on Painting Contest
I never won but I got some votes and my time to devote to this was limited. I’m definitely not a contest painter. I paint for me mainly. I did a good job on the Nob’s skin which you can see below. I also started a miniature painting blog but I also had to give up on the hobby for many many years. I devoted entirely too much time to studying for and finally passing all three 3 CFA exams. It didn’t result in me becoming rich and famous, neither did blogging but I’m editing old blog posts now to improve Quality, you can leave a comment if you like.
I did do a number of painting updates on this blog and now in 2024 I’m going to link to them intelligently. Then you can actually see a lot of work went into this model, which is generally the case for all my models, though ultimately my time is limited. If you have thoughts on painting or blogging you can leave them below the picture.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: DIY, Hobbies, & Interests and tagged: Bolter & Chainsword, Da Waaagh, Miniature Painting.
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