From my painting desk
September 13th, 2008
Though I really should be studying for my CFA® exam or working out or something, instead of painting more models. I have three WIP models going at once. The most pressing is the Assault on Black Reach Nob for the online painting contest I’ve decided to enter.
I’m also working on an old WFB Ork Rock Launcher which is one of the final things I need to paint to have a legal, playable 1000 point Ork and Gobbos army. This is way too much work, as seen by my slow progress over the last ten years, so much so I may never start a new army again especially a fantasy one. I’ll stick with the Boyz and Chaos in most GW games, but I do have a Skaven Bloodbowl team.

Finally, I’m painting the last three additions to Jaundice squad. I have about two more weeks to finish these in order to use them in a game of Warhammer 40,000 against Malcolm. I guess they may be part of my West Coast Mayhem tournament army, but I haven’t given that much thought. I’m not going to do much painting specifically for that, if any.
I plan on curtailing my painting at the end of this month so the final two months I’ll have even less excuses to not study for my CFA exam.

Update: It took entirely too long but I eventually passed all three CFA exams.
If you want to see more pictures of wip models I’ve painted over the last ten plus years, including loads of greenskinz and followers of Nurgle I suggest you check out my dedicated miniature painting blog. If you have an uncontrollable urge to leave a comment you can do so below.
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