MobileCamp Vancouver 2
September 6th, 2008
So I was encouraged to attend MobileCamp Vancouver 2, I even volunteered our organization’s projector for use. While I struggled to wake up and become fully functional I learned I was going to be speaking. Originally it was only for three minutes but I ended up speaking more on Building Opportunities with Business, our ICT Cluster, our business development services, loans program, and the about to roll out “Fledgling Project”.
This is a Mobile Technology unconference so people were blogging, texting, tweeting, uploading photos to Flickr all on the fly. Having WiFi at conferences, particularly technology conferences is a must. When I worked for KOTRA, presenters from New Media BC asked for WiFi which the Terminal City Club was able to provide for us. I can’t help but recall that at the first Web Directions North there was no WiFi.
I also haven’t forgotten how because I blogged about planning to attend Web Directions North my humble blog manged to end up on the big screen. This time I only had to present. Presenting at conferences is a good way to build your brand. Andrew Kumar may have gone a little far with his personal branding and self marketing.
I’m sure Google or Technorati will be awash with posts from and about Mobile Camp Vancouver so I told the first presenter, Roland Tanglao I wasn’t live blogging his presentation, but he seemed happy that people would blog about it later. WinBC and Mobile Muse were the main sponsors but I was amazed no Nokia, AirG or even IUGO staff were present. Handi Mobility, Raincity Studios, and Kinzin had staff helping out and presenting so they can get some link love. Roland doesn’t need the PageRank.
There were lots of iPhones and presentations on iPhone application development. Apparently there is still a shortage of Objective-C developers and a renewed interest in that language with the success of the iPhone and the iTouch. I used my Blackberry Curve to take some pictures, but it wouldn’t zoom, good thing it is still under warranty. I also was amazed at the youth of some developers, they seem to think all you need to be a software developer these days is JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I don’t even know if JavaScript is on my resume anymore. You couldn’t code exclusively in JavaScript in the olden days, I mean you can’t even send an email with JavaScript.
The only thing I code in now is VBA and that has to be the ugliest language. For the record I don’t like PHP or Perl either but I can use them if I have to. A fellow from Nitobi has created something called PhoneGap so you don’t have to learn Objective-C or various Apple API’s to develop applications on the iPhone. This allows people to stay in the language they are familiar with, which is OK I guess, but PhoneGap currently doesn’t support all the functions of the iPhone and since it is developed independently and perhaps not with the blessing of Apple, developers who use it to make apps may find they are rendered obsolete by some decision in Cuppertino.
I should probably mention Fearless City and W2 and link to those sites seeing as they were my co-presenters along with Mobile Muse and the people who invited me to attend in the first place. Needless to say I haven’t done any studying for the CFA® exam today and with the UFC tonight I won’t be up late either. Tomorrow…
Most of the attendees are software developers or people who want to be software developers, there are still a few things I worked on that people can hit off. UM.Sitemaker being the most used one, I’m not sure how much of the code I wrote for ended up being used after the big dispute between them and 100World. GVC.Sitemaker was open sourced along with all our internal frameworks, so no one can say I didn’t contribute to the open source community.
Of course they are in Java, but we had them in Objective-C at one point, until Apple forced WebObjects developers to change languages.
I also caught the tail end of a very Pro-Javascript Randall Minter on his company’s product. He called his company Qrimp, very Web 2.0 it seemed to impress the few people that caught him speak. He drove a long way to put in an appearance at this little shindig.
I even gave a little preview of the new BOB website designed by Burst! Creative Group.
I had an extensive conversation with Jean Cloutier, not about his company in2cc but about the problems facing the Downtown Eastside and some of the solutions and approaches that have been tried and are still being tried. I even told him the history of the area as he is a recent immigrant/arrival to Vancouver.
I’m updating old blog posts but I didn’t fix every busted link. I’ll eventually fix all the busted internal links but external links are harder to check because of domain squatters. If you have thoughts on developing for mobile or you are looking to hire you can leave a comment below.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Technology and tagged: Fearless City, Mobile Muse, Software Development, Vancouver, W2.
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