Bought my first Wii Ware
July 2nd, 2009
I looked through the store and had decided on Bomberman Blast as when I went to Japan the first time I played Super Bomberman over and over with Regan and Yoshiko’s younger brother. I got pretty good. But my credit card authentication had an error so when I went to BestBuy to get a second controller I bought a Wii Points card.
I also bought Street Fighter 2, the Sega Genesis edition, but that was a mistake. You can’t go from punches to kicks without hitting I guess it would be “select”, it is “+” on the Wii remote. I guess I’ll have to wait until the next Capcon Vs. game or Street Fighter IV comes to Wii. I may even get a PS3 at some point just to play that game. I’ve played Street Fighter all over the world. I coulda been a contender.
Bomberman Blast is really crazy with 8 Bombermen and the revenge setting. Air Raid and the bomb blasts that travel though items also makes a big difference. The AI still can’t handle throwing bombs over the wall so well, but they are quick and precise. My skills were rusty but by the end of the night I had won most ways. Still no access to my Mii though. I wish that didn’t have to be unlocked. I’ll have to get Dave and Yuri to get this game.
I think Mii’s are one of the coolest ideas on the Wii and the only game I’ve played that does them real well is Mario Kart, I’ll have to find another Mii friendly game that isn’t lame.
My life just hasn’t gone well since I did my MBA. I don’t know how people find so much time for gaming. I used to find time for it, but I had to cut almost all gaming out of my life in order to pass all three CFA® exams. Alas that did not result in a nice new job immediately. Instead it has resulted in another period of post-MBA unemployment so I’m updating and improving old blog posts. If you like Bomberman or have a lead on a job you can leave a comment below.
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