My Mashup Codebase
May 7th, 2011
Now in 2019 a lot has changed, APIs that I used may no longer allow me to use them or at least they are not returning the data they used to return. I do not have the time and energy to fix this code, assuming it even can be fixed. Maybe I’ll get to it someday but right now you’re welcome to download it and look at pictures of how it used to work, but it is not running as well as it did eight years ago.
More than Music
I did find some time and energy to implement support for non-music mashups using my PHP codebase. I created some subclasses to make mashups from my DVD collection. I spent today making a token mashup after getting a simple cover gallery to work. There aren’t as many APIs for movie information. Rotten Tomatoes has an API which is nice, but you can’t access trailers or even stills using it. Their database doesn’t always have a complete synopsis.
Amazon Product Advertising API was my go to
I made use of the Amazon Product Advertising API to get some images and information. I stayed away from the iTunes Store but I see Rotten Tomatoes links to them presumably for referral income. The most famous online source for movie info, besides the Wikipedia is the IMDB. It doesn’t have an official API but just as I was going to write this post, I found an unofficial one. I’m going to take a look at it, see if it really provides information I don’t already have from other sources.
I got movie trailers from YouTube
Where I put extra work getting movie trailers from YouTube. This was one of the killer features of my code, but YouTube changed their API or Google did and I could not fix it quickly while I lived in China. I wrote a method to produce the embeddable player code, something I didn’t do for my music mashups. I will try to fix this again someday.
If you have any ideas on APIs I should be using or better still links to working PHP code I can use, you should leave a comment below. I hope I can fix some of the methods someday, but in 2019 I’m trying to find a new job and make my blog better.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Technology and tagged: API, PHP, Web Mashup.
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