Great Canadian Guitarists
February 10th, 2012
My cousin in Austria has been on a big Matt Anderson kick, so he and I posted several YouTube videos of Matt playing various original and cover songs on Facebook. I missed out on seeing Matt last time he passed through Vancouver, because my life kinda sucks, or some other lame excuse. While driving to Nanaimo listening to my iPod on my mom’s car stereo another lesser known Canadian bluesman came on and I thought Stefan would like this guy. So I decided to collect some more YouTube videos of great Canadian guitarists that aren’t that well known.
To get on this list it helped if you played the blues and/or slide guitar as that is the kinda music I’m most likely to play on guitar myself.
That’s a JJ Cale cover. The artist that came on in the car was Rick Fines, he plays in the Piedmont style, a lot like Mississippi John Hurt. I saw him play in Courtney BC at a blues music showcase. I immediately bought his album “Solar Powered” off him, can’t remember if he signed it, I’m not big on autographs.
Paul Pigat isn’t known for playing the blues, but he does play old timey music some of the time, maybe most of the time. He doesn’t always play slide, but he can play slide damn well. I’ve seen him play in Vancouver.
That is more rockabilly track, that isn’t even his Gretsch, he’s got an endorsement deal with them now, so he plays at guitar shows on whatever is their latest greatest model. Note the padding is still on the Bigsby tremolo bar.
Gordie Johnson is the loudest guitarist I’ve ever seen. Big Sugar in a small basement club with a low ceiling was abusively loud. So seeing him on acoustic is a bit of a change. His newish band Grady, has been described as “cowboy metal” or “shreadneck”. I’ve seen them a couple times and I’ve seen Big Sugar many, many, times.
Colin Linden, I’ve never seen solo. But I made sure to see Blackie and the Rodeo Kings when they came through town one time. Colin plays a lot like how I wish I could play. I don’t own a resophonic guitar but I generally play with no pick and the slide on my pinky, even when I’m not playing the blues. I spent years just getting used to having the slide on when fretting and playing chords. I don’t put enough effort into my guitar playing, bigger problems need solving than learning old Robert Johnson songs.
Almost forgot to include the Good brothers, AKA the two guitarists in the Sadies. Do yourself a favour and go see them live.
Also supposed to be included was Luke Doucet who I’ve seen in various bands many times. This time he is performing with his new partner in crime, Melissa McClelland at her dad’s 70th birthday party. They are in a band now called Whitehorse.
If you have a recommendation for a great Canadian guitarist, you can leave a comment below.
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