Finally Updated to Mac OS X Mountain Lion
November 10th, 2012
After the fun that was upgrading to Mac OS X Lion and tired of battling ongoing issues with WiFi/Time Capsule/Time Machine and because Opera upgraded today and mentioned the benefits of being on Mountain Lion I decided to take the plunge, backup and upgrade over Ethernet.
It still took a long time. I expected this, but I didn’t expect to once again have hundreds of dollars of software no longer work. Opera is currently not running well and I don’t think my WiFi is working any better. Ethernet downstairs is so much faster.
I think I’m going to save this post and try to upgrade some more software, even the fonts seem messed up right now.
Now WordPress/Opera has lost everything I typed since…
Basically once again software I’ve bought and paid for and used regular is no longer compatible with the latest version of Mac OS X. In some cases there might be a free fix, but in others I have to pay up or do without. In my case: Snapz Pro X, Wire Tap Studio, and Parallels are the main culprits, but I know Growl and others may need upgrading. Mailsmith along with Opera are two pieces of software that I’ve used for a long time that don’t always get upgraded regularly…
I guess I should see about Parallels. I honestly never use Windows but it was an expensive addition to the software on my MacBook Pro. I may have had to upgrade Paralells first… The other problem I’d hope would go away was the inability for my Calendar appointments to go through the cloud to my iPhone 3GS.
I keep having to download an update to the update I just downloaded.
I have Parallels Desktop 6 and it seems that 7 works and they want me to upgrade to 8. I don’t have the cash or the need to do this, but I do feel kinda ripped off considering how long Windows actually worked once installed on my MacBook Pro.
My ability to sync calendar events between my MacBook Pro and iPhone 3GS has returned. I’m not sure why it stopped working and I’m not sure upgrading to Lion and then Mountain Lion added ‘killer features’ that I couldn’t live without. It will still cost me money to upgrade software that used to work prior to the two most recent Mac OS X releases. I don’t have money for obvious reasons.
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