Muschamp Rd


Testing the Facebook for WordPress plugin

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

I’ve continued to test and tweak my WordPress install as I have the time and opportunity. I still plan to alter my sidebar some more and make a custom 404 page, but I’m still trying to figure out IF the Facebook for WordPress plugin is functioning properly and if it is worth running at all…

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Images in WordPress posts

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

My blog is old. It has been online since 2005. has been online since 2002 and some of the HTML dates back to 1995 or close to it. I kept the old HTML online just for laughs. Before I went to Japan I adopted the still in-use pure CSS tab layout. I’ve tweaked it over the years, it used to validate but with all the PHP I’ve been adding and all the information I pull from other sources, I’m not sure what still validates…

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Facebook for WordPress plugin

Sunday, September 9th, 2012

The install did not go smoothly. The plugin is installed and is at least partially working but despite reading the official instructions, unofficial instructions, and having someone I know say how easy it was. I started to regret abandoning Networked Blogs…

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Quotation Collection Mashup

Saturday, September 8th, 2012

I’m a collector. I’m not a hoarder because I display my collections. One of the things I’ve steadily collected over the last 15 or 20 years is quotations. Not “quotes”, quotes is a verb…

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Upgraded to WordPress 3.4.1

Monday, August 27th, 2012

Yesterday I finally yielded to pressure and upgraded to the latest version of WordPress. My continued hesitancy in upgrading is based on past experience and lack of killer new features being added to WordPress. I don’t advise upgrading for every little dot dot release. I do advise backing up before updating…

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