Muschamp Rd


albumCollection.php worked

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

I never set out to write this much PHP code. But after seeing what passes for a PHP API to access Amazon Product Information, well I vowed to do a good job on my PHP class, even though it was intended for my own personal use. I had modest goals at the beginning I just wanted to take a list of CDs I own and produce a gallery of album covers…

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Creating an album cover gallery

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

After my epic and still ongoing battle with PHP and WordPress I decided that I might as well do something at least a little unique and creative with PHP, APIs, RSS, and whatever else…

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Web 2.0-ifying

Monday, September 20th, 2010

After spending so much time upgrading and improving Muskblog. I decided to break down and add some feeds and widgets to the rest of my domain. I’d already done this for however I did things slightly differently the second time. For one I used a bit more PHP. I changed my home page from a .html to a .php file so that I could make direct calls to SimplePie as it makes adding RSS feeds to a webpage/website, as simple as pie…

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Anatomy of a Sidebar

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

So I’ve continued to tweak the sidebar.php file that controls the rightmost column on this blog. I still have a bug in my WordPress install where conditionals are not returning the correct, documented, expected results. However I’ve worked around that, I hope it will go away completely. In the mean time there is a handful of debugging code in my sidebar.php file, I can live with that, I’m not trying to win any design competitions…

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Social Media Empire Expansion

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

Another day was spent hacking away at Wordpress and in particular on my WordPress theme which five years ago I dubbed “MuschampTabs”…

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