Muschamp Rd


Web Directions North Post Mortem

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

One of my many flaws, that some people find endearing, and others perhaps not so much, is my tendency to ramble often on long tangents. Rather than write one long post I decided to write three posts about the recently completed Web Directions North…

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Relections on Web Directions North Day Two

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

Before the conference room even opened for day two I gained a small audience while heaping praise and coolness upon my former classmate Jeremy’s and friends fashion company Undrcrwn. Though I wasn’t wearing the shoes they made at the time, I’m saving them for a special occasion when things are better. The fact I was wearing my Fluevogs and a guy recognized I was wearing Fluevogs increased my shoe and fashion credibility…

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Reflections on Web Directions North Day One

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

This postings consists of the slightly edited point form observations I took from the first day of Web Directions North. The first thing I noticed after registering was there was no WiFi. There actually was WiFi it just was dodgy and the hotel was not prepared for a conference where every attendee had a Powerbook, an iBook, a MacBook, or even in some rare cases a Windows based laptop…

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Changes Behind the Scenes

Sunday, February 4th, 2007

Today I coughed up some money to upgrade to Mint 2.0. I also installed a few more Peppers created by Shaun Inman. Now with Secret Crush and Bird Feeder I’ll have even more information about the people who stop by I still have Google Analytics, MyBlogLog, and my webhost’s stat package…

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I joined Facebook!

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

Out of the blue I got another email inviting me to join another online social network. This time it was to join Facebook. Facebook has been around for a while, but it was elitist. You had to have a .edu email address to join in the beginning. I’m an alumnus of three different universities but I don’t have a .edu email address. Only American universities can use the .edu domain…

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